With over three decades of experience, our professional team is well-equipped to advise and protect your intellectual property. Copyright law encompasses a wide range of intellectual creations, such as written works, computer programs, lectures, musical compositions, audiovisual works, fine arts, and many more. All these works are protected by law, and no one can use or modify them without the proper authorization from the author. At Coronell, Lam & Associates, we specialize in enforcing the rights of creators and have a strong track record in defending our clients. If you need assistance with copyright matters, do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We are here to assist you.
Do not believe that because a lecture, a sermon or speech “only” took place in public, or a musical or play was presented circumstantially and informally, they are not protected by laws related to copyright.
All intellectual work, including comment trimming or some information published in a news media, is protected, and nobody can take it as their own, or modify it if they don’t have proper permission of the author.
In Colonell, Lam & Associates, we have an extensive experience of more than three decades, in the related subjects of copyright and related rights, and our team of professionals is in the best disposition to assist you and enforce your intellectual property.
Copyright protects the property of those who have created an intellectual work. There is a wide range of intellectual products, clearly protected by law, including:
- Written works;
- Computer programs;
- Lectures, speeches, sermons, and other works consisting of words expressed orally.
- Musical compositions, with or without lyrics;
- Plays, musicals, choreographic works, pantomimes;
- Audiovisual works, regardless of the hardware or procedure used;
- Photographic works and works expressed by a process analogous to photography;
- Works of art, including paintings, drawings, sculptures, etchings and lithographs;
- Architectural works; and
- Applied artwork, illustrations, maps, plans, sketches and works related to geography, topography, architecture and science.
In the end, all works of literary, artistic, educational or scientific production susceptible of being disclosed or published by any means or process, are protected. And in Colonell, Lam & Associates, we are professionals in enforcing the rights of the creators. Thirty years of experience in defending the rights of our clients back us up. Contact us!
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